Medicinal cannabis seeds

In recent years, research has proven what mankind has known for a long time, showing that cannabis is one of the most valuable medicinal plants known to man, capable of amazing improvements and relief for many conditions. Depending on the individual cannabinoid profile of a strain, different effects come to the fore. Some strains have sleep-inducing, pain-relieving or even antispasmodic effects, while others help people become more active or concentrate better.

At 1000Seeds, you will find a variety of selected medicinal cannabis seeds that have been bred specifically for the treatment of certain symptoms or diseases, each with different medicinal effects and benefits. You will find seeds for medical cannabis strains that have, for example, a very high THC or CBD value or a special cannabinoid profile. Many seed banks like Medical Seeds, Barneys Farm, Dutch Passion, Sensi Seeds, Paradise Seeds, Cannamed, Dinafem or Serious Seeds have developed special high-quality cannabis strains and brought them to the market. The selection is growing with the increasing interest of patients worldwide.

All medicinal seeds (458)

ADHD (20)

Allergy & Neurodermatitis (19)

Fear & Panic (96)

Drive disorder (44)

Arthritis & Osteoarthritis (66)

Loss of appetite (63)

Asthma (19)

Diabetes (4)

Depression (99)

Epilepsy (31)

Glaucoma (16)

Gastrointestinal diseases (22)

Migraine (31)

Crohn's disease (23)

MS (25)

Neuropathy (34)

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (20)

Muscle spasms & muscle tension (163)

Sleep disorders (92)

Pain (235)

Stress (145)

Nausea (53)

Inflammations (106)

THC-rich varieties (137)

CBD-rich varieties (127)

for the night (89)

for the day (176)

appetising (68)

aphrodisiac (19)

anti-depressant (92)

calming & relaxing (222)

Anti-inflammatory / antiseptic (151)

antispasmodic & muscle relaxing (203)

sleep-inducing (96)

analgesic / analgesic (211)

mood-lifting & activating (147)