Blog, Cannabis as medicine

Marijuana and sex

Cannabis and sex, cannabis as an aphrodisiac

The effects of cannabis in the area of sex are controversial: there are both convinced supporters and critics. It is also the case that marijuana can produce different and opposite effects when consumed before sex: on the one hand, it can stimulate and increase pleasure, but it can also reduce sexual interest. Let's look back in time to see what mankind experienced with it long before us.

The history of marijuana as an aphrodisiac in ancient India

Cannabis has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years and ironically, it has also been used to reduce sexual desire. According to ancient sacred texts, marijuana was used to increase sexual desire. The first texts reporting sex and marijuana come from India and were written about 3000 years ago. Traditional Indian medicine advises the use of cannabis to cure impotence, increase sexual desire and treat sexual diseases.

Tantra and cannabis

There were a variety of recipes containing cannabis as an aphrodisiac and said to have the ability to increase the time of arousal, increase a woman's sexual desire, delay ejaculation, and so on. These recipes have names like: Modaka shrimadananda, Vajikarana Uttama, falaskari majun, bhang Roghan.

Tantra is a mystical religion and a current within Indian philosophy that includes mental practices such as meditation and yoga. Currently, a marijuana-tantra relationship is almost non-existent, but in the past, however, a very intense relationship consisted of various sexual rituals and joint celebrations. Tantra rituals with marijuana existed as early as 700 years B.C. Even today in modern India, drinks with cannabis are considered sacred drinks that can cure diseases, bring luck and ward off evil spirits and were used to cleanse sins.

In der tantrischen Rituale kamen auch heiße Milchgetränke mit Cannabis/Cannabiskonzentraten und anderen Inhaltsstoffen wie Milch, Pfeffer, Zucker, Mandeln, Kardamom, Mohn, Ingwer und andere Kräuter zum Einsatz. Bhang ist nach wie vor eine sehr beliebte traditionelle Hanfzubereitung (Hindi: भांग, Bhāṅg), die während hinduistischer Religionsrituale angewendet wird. Das Wort bhanga (bhanj) heißt auf Sanskrit so viel wie. „Bruch“ bzw. „Abfall“. Bhang besteht aus getrockneten Cannabisblättern und kleinen Blüten der Hanfpflanze. Es ist dunkelbraun bis grünlich und hat einen typischen milden Duft und Geschmack. Da es keine ausgewachsenen Blüten und kaum Harz enthält, ist es im Gegensatz zu Ganja (Marihuana) und Charas (Haschisch) eine Hanfzubereitung mit einem vergleichsweise geringen psychoaktiven Wirkstoffanteil (< 5 % THC).

Tantra and cannabis

                                                             Tantra and cannabis have an ancient connection

According to research, most tantra rituals involving marijuana were very complex, elaborate and enormously difficult to perform, which is why there are justified doubts about the extent to which these practices are still used today. In modern times, there has been a massive adaptation of the original Tantra and thus also of its rituals. Modern Tantra was shaped and adopted by people who often had no direct connection to the countries of origin themselves, integrated and adapted to their own community or group. The original Tantra in particular was also concerned with sexual enlightenment, for which cannabis was used in a variety of ways, either as a drink or smoked.

The aim of Tantric rituals was to prolong sexual union as long as possible. Both men and women used practices such as yoga breathing, meditation, cannabis and neuromuscular control to achieve "endless orgasms" (without ejaculation). The sacred texts explain that sex can last 7-8 hours until the lover finally experiences a very intense orgasm as if in a high-energy blaze as a result of prolonged suppression. The Indians knew their stuff, it seems.

Marijuana and its use as an aphrodisiac in other cultures

Tantra probably has the most elaborate and complex interaction of marijuana and sex. But cannabis was and is also used in other cultures in connection with sexuality.


Sex and marijuanaSerbian women use a mixture of cannabis, egg, saffron and sugar, the so-called 'candy'. "GUC-Kand" as a tonic that enhances the erotic mood. Serbian men use a mixture of hashish, almond butter, dried rose petals, clove petals, saffron, nutmeg, cardamom, honey, sugar and pyrethrum root Anacylius (pyrethrum), which is believed to increase potency.

In Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries, as well as in North Africa, cannabis was used for sexual purposes even until the early twentieth century. There, there is usually very strong weed, in the form of "kif". Women and concubines used "kif" for erotic fantasies and use marijuana especially to become more sexually uninhibited. This was and partly still is important in cultures where women had difficulties through socialisation to come out and develop sexually.

Contemporary use of marijuana for sexuality

However, in many countries in Europe as well as in the USA, the interaction of cannabis and sexuality is complicated by industrial life, laws, tensions and social pressures. Meanwhile, research is also addressing the issue of cannabis and sex. From the results, it can be concluded that marijuana and sex can be an exciting and mutually reinforcing combination that can help people enjoy sex more and experience it more intensely. Of course, the effect of marijuana on sex also depends on the strength/intensity of intoxication. Current studies show that a low to medium high dose is sufficient for most people to increase body awareness and to experience the prtner more intensely. Of course, this also depends on the respective consumption behaviour, i.e. how much someone is used to. Depending on the dosage and the type of cannabis consumed, the effect of marijuana can vary greatly. If there is too much physical sedation and fatigue due to cannabis use, this in turn can have a negative effect on some people's sex life and tend to inhibit desire. The consequences of smoking marijuana depend on the individual user. While one person may only need a small dose to get in the mood, a more intense user may need a much higher dose to achieve the desired effect.

Effects of cannabis during sex

Marijuaana as an aphrodisiac

Men often reported the following effect:

  • increased resistance to premature ejaculation
  • Increased sensitivity to touch
  • longer and stronger orgasms
  • more willingness, foreplay
  • Increased and prolonged erection

Women often reported the following effects:

  • more moisture
  • increased capacity for vaginal muscle control
  • greater excitement
  • multiple orgasms, longer
  • Dissolves blockades

While some women become less sexually interested under the influence of cannabis, others report that they can experience multiple orgasms through the use of marijuana and find this very stimulating. For some women, the use of cannabis is a prerequisite for enjoying sexuality. In many cases, especially traumatised women can loosen up through marijuana and relieve physical and mental tension, which would otherwise not be possible for them.

In both sexes, the use of cannabis seems to cause a higher susceptibility to orgasms, which fortunately is more pronounced over the whole body.
Just like sexuality, marijuana use also involves a mystical and spiritual level for many people. Some users report that under the influence of cannabis they experience sex with more appreciation, higher awareness of their own inner processes as well as greater connection to their partner.
Sex and cannabis
Marijuana in love has a sensory stimulating and at the same time emotionally disinhibiting effect: the sensation of temperature, taste, visual perceptions, auditory experiences, music and phantasms are felt to be heightened. One effect of cannabis can be an altered perception of time; time seems to drag on and subjectively slows down. An effect that many Mary users like to look for in this context.
Marijuana is combined with love. There are a lot of good reasons for sex. I for one am a hedonist, I love the feeling of watching the female body and her orgasm. For many people, cannabis takes on its own meaning within sexuality. However, contrary to the myth that marijuana creates uncontrolled sexual desire, for many users it causes increased desire and simply positive feelings with complete self-control.Marijuana and sex are gifts from nature. We enjoy them because nature and evolution have equipped us to do so. So our bodies contain reward systems that reward us for sex. Our brains contain receptors that are activated by THC. Marijuana and sex together can thus trigger a unique constellation of positive feelings. At a personally ideal, pleasurable marijuana dosage, users often report increased sexual stamina and dexterity, tactile sensation, greater length and strength of orgasm, and stronger emotional bonds between partners. Cannabis use in many cases makes one more affectionate and more willing to give full attention to their partner.

Scientific facts about cannabis and sex

  • According to the Sociology Department of the University of California Santa Barbara, whether someone feels aroused or not depends on which strain is used and what mood a person is in. More research needs to be done in this regard. Surveys by psychologists have shown that about 67% of respondents say their sex life is enriched by cannabis, while 20% say it depends entirely on external circumstances.
  • A 2009 study by the Australian Research Centre in Sex reports that women who regularly use cannabis have more sexual partners on average than non-using women (more than 2 in the past year). For men who use cannabis, there is a significant increase in sexual partners compared to non-users. (Cannabis Use and Sexual Health. Anthony M.A. Smith PhD1, Jason A. Ferris MbioStats1, Judy M Simpson PhD2, Julia Shelley PhD3, Marian K Pitts PhD1,* and Juliet Richters PhD4, Article first published online: 17 AUG 2009, DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01453.x)

 Marijuana as natural Viagra and external use?

The medicinal and psychoactive components of cannabis, namely cannabinoids, can also be infused into massage oils for incredible effects. Here you will find a recipe for Coconut cannabis oil and Olive cannabis oilboth of which can also be used as massage oils and are suitable for topical application.

When marijuana massage oil is massaged into the skin, the cannabinoids pass into the blood, muscles and cannabinoid receptors. Marijuana topicals (i.e. hemp products/creams/oils with cannabinoids for external use) contain a large amount of cannabinoids and are highly medicinal. Used as an erotic massage oil, this provides a highly aphrodisiac, sensual high that is quite different from smoked, eaten and vaporised marijuana. By applying it externally to the genitals, a sexual high like no other can be achieved, which is incredibly arousing and intense. Especially inside the vagina and on the clitoris, the Medical Topical can cause extended, wild non-stop orgasms in women and have a sexually disinhibiting effect - a real aphrodisiac in men and women. Best used for this Very THC-rich marijuana strains used, the medicinal cannabis strain Miagra has been specially developed for use as an aphrodisiac:

Increase sexual desire through cannabis

Which cannabis strains are used as aphrodisiacs?

The most commonly used aphrodisiacs are Sativas or hybrids, with 70% sativa and 30% indica. There are some strains that have such a heavy effect that one or the other has difficulties tying his shoes, while there are strains that are better suited as aphrodisiacs. One should always keep in mind that each strain has a different effect on each user and no general statements can be made. It is important to find a strain that your partner and you feel comfortable with. Many users test different strains for this purpose. In the end, it is the cannabinoid profile of a strain that is decisive.

In many cases also Kush varieties (Afghanica), which are rather sedative and very strong, are also used as aphrodisiacs.

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