Blog, Cannabis as medicine

Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCs) in Spain

CSC, Cannabis Social Club

Cannabis social clubs are non-profit, non-governmental organisations in which senior citizens, sick people and/or cannabis friends join together to jointly supply and distribute marijuana within a private and closed circle. The distribution of cannabis to other persons, i.e. to third parties, is not permitted in this context. Cannabis social clubs ensure safe and traceable access to their medicine for their members and protect users and sick people from unsafe purchases on the street and from unsafe sources.

CSCs are non-profit organisations

The members of the Spanish cannabis clubs must be at least 18 years old. There must be no distribution outside the clubs. In the cannabis clubs, members usually have the possibility to choose between different marijuana strains in order to obtain the effects and active ingredients that suit their condition and needs. Many cannabis clubs offer members marijuana-infused food such as biscuits, candies or chocolate, or extracts, cannabis oil, ointments and tinctures, in addition to cannabis flowers.

Cannabis Social Clubs in Spain, Cannabis Clubs

In the different Spanish regions, there are different rules, regulations and handling of the social clubs. In Barcelona alone, there are currently about 400 cannabis social clubs. On 29 January 2015, the Health Committee of the Parliament of Catalonia regulated and further stabilised the cannabis clubs. A list of 17 criteria was drawn up and defined in order to preserve public health and to regulate the cannabis clubs themselves. The individual criteria seem strict in parts and could possibly be improved, but the new regulation in Catalonia represents a legal stabilisation and protects clubs from arbitrary, unplanned interventions by the public authorities. Clubs in Catalonia now have a more legally secure and stable framework within which to provide medical grows and care. Operations can now be carried out with absolute legality without fear of repression by the authorities. The Catalan associations have done a lot of work to make this development happen.

The list of current regulations for cannabis social clubs in Catalonia:

  • Members must be over 18 years of age.
  • One may only become a member of one association, not of several at the same time
  • Access to the premises is restricted to members only. There must be an access control at the entrance of the premises and the pub to ensure this.
  • the clubs are to inform their members about the possibilities of reducing risks with marijuana. Those who distribute the products are to conduct annual trainings for the members in this context.
  • The use of other drugs and alcohol is not permitted in the social clubs. The premises must meet certain health standards, which are described and specified in more detail in the regulation.
  • It is mandatory for every member that he/she is recommended and suggested by another member to realise an enrolment in the club.
  • Upon admission, there is initially a grace period of 15 days before a new member can receive cannabis for the first time.
  • The cannabis social club may not be open more than 8 hours per day and must close no later than 10pm, except on Fridays and Saturdays when it must close no later than 0.00am.
  • Social clubs must maintain a regulated minimum distance from schools, educational institutions and health facilities.
  • Prohibition of any promotion: clubs are not allowed to recruit members, put up posters about cannabis or distribute flyers to get new members.
  • Compliance with environmental regulations, neighbours must not be disturbed.

Advantages of CSC:

  • A contract is concluded with each member and joint consumption is determined so that it is possible to plan and transparent how much cannabis must be available for mass consumption.
  • members know the quality of the cannabis products they eat, smoke or otherwise consume
  • the members of the association have legal protection and receive information on the applicable regulations.
  • Members are provided with an appropriate space in which they can consume safely and at low risk
  • members are not exposed to the risks of the black market and actively contribute to the betterment of society.

Cannabis Social Clubs, background and info

Production in the (Spanish) cannabis clubs:
The ideal is the autonomous production of the cannabis needs of all members without participation in the black market. In this case, production is determined with the help of a consumption forecast based on the number of members. Unfortunately, however, many smaller and young cannabis associations lack the necessary money and resources to produce the necessary amount of cannabis themselves. Therefore, they buy together. The board buys from a third party on behalf of the members.

Cannabis Social Clubs, background and info

The amount of joint purchase is based on the consumption forecast. The maximum forecast consumption is 60g per month per member. There must be maximum transparency about the exact origin of the cannabis consumed by the club, whether from self-cultivation or from another source. The final price must be reasonable, justifiable and transparent.

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