
The mind-altering potential of marijuana

Cannabis and its effects, the effects of marijuana

Marijuana Taboos & Logic

The topic of marijuana has long been a taboo subject for many people around the world. While many see cannabis as a legitimate recreational activity or medicinal healing and useful plant despite all prohibitions, others see the plant as an absolute cultural taboo. The negative force exerted by opponents should not be underestimated and often cannot be eliminated with logical arguments.

Even liberal, intelligent and well-educated people sometimes shy away from a logical and direct confrontation with the topic of cannabis when it comes to its mind-altering positive aspects.

The medicinal benefits of cannabis are more and more legitimised and understood nowadays. The same is true when it comes to the useful plant cannabis or hemp as an industrial, fast-growing and health-promoting, environmentally friendly plant that can be used in many areas. Thus, the taboo surrounding the cannabis plant has already been shaken enormously. Marijuana has recently been rediscovered as an ancient medicinal plant and is booming.

Recent studies and thousands of patient reports have shown that marijuana, i.e. the dried flowers of the cannabis plant, can be successfully used against various symptoms and diseases such as nausea, epilepsy, loss of appetite, glaucoma, neuropathic pain, asthma and even certain types of cancer. The reputation surrounding the "sacred" plant has greatly improved, much to our delight. Hemp products are considered healthy and have become very fashionable again due to their positive benefits. The rediscovery of the useful hemp is in full swing, one can only really wish that the earth finally gets this indispensable power plant back within its ecosystem. A plant that is one of the fastest growing raw materials and has an incredible industrial potential, which aims at sustainability and environmental protection. Our overpopulated and severely damaged earth can hardly do without its far-reaching benefits any longer.

Consuming cannabis, effect of cannabis, marijuana lexicon

However, when it comes to the positive benefits and aspects of getting high on marijuana, as well as its mind-altering beneficial properties, one still encounters many myths among the population that have been shaped by decades of disinformation campaigns. Some interlocutors, who are not users themselves, fall into downright panic on the subject, not infrequently accompanied by irrational conclusions. So that means you should put lots of grass in front of the kiddies' noses.....? - No, of course it doesn't!

The question is, why are many people so prejudiced when it comes to the mind-altering aspects and psychoactive effects of cannabis? Of course, any psychoactive substance can carry certain risks and the danger of abuse. But the bottom line is that this also applies to food, alcohol, medication and many other things in daily life. A sensible and conscious approach to all things and ourselves will always remain important. But prohibition hardly solves these questions and hurdles of life.

Especially with marijuana, the risks and dangers have been massively exaggerated in recent decades. Of course, children and young people should be protected and, above all, educated. But this can only be done with sensible and enforceable regulations. The black market knows no rules, no rules at all, as we can see very clearly in Mexico and perhaps also on our doorstep.

Countless reports from cannabis users point to the amazingly wide range of cognitive effects of cannabis. Many users experience an increased ability to remember the past in detail, get improved attention and sensations are perceived more complex but also with more complexity and detail. Music or art seem to get more nuances, sexual adventures can be more exciting or one becomes insanely creative in cooking.

Especially the recognition of patterns and connections seems to be very pronounced in the high state. One recognises sounds in the music that one has not noticed before, or many people also report that they have suddenly recognised something or understood a connection that they had never seen before and that this has brought about a positive change in their lives.

At the same time, marijuana has a very individual effect on each person.

Cannabis & the imagination

high its, effects of cannabis, imagination and marijuana

The use of imagination and its value in daily life is underestimated by many. our imagination is not only important when we are creative, but also when it comes to making decisions, planning and finally achieving something we set out to do.

The power of imagination gives us the possibility to bring the past back into consciousness and to develop ideas about the future. This also enables us to play through and rehearse scenarios beforehand. The ability to imagine thus has a fundamental impact on decisions in our lives.
It is important to understand the imagination-enhancing properties of cannabis. Many cannabis users can see things more clearly and in more detail in their imagination when high. Music often becomes much more vivid and sounds can be remembered better.

The improvement of the imagination is often used by cannabis users. Some can perceive objects and shapes better and relate them to each other, for example in art. Whatever you do when you are high, you get new ideas, you have a huge pleasure in trying something and sometimes you find the solution you have been looking for for a long time.

I think there are hardly any cannabis users who do not know and have already learned to appreciate the imagination-stimulating effect of the plant. Nevertheless, its importance is widely and severely underestimated. The imaginative enhancement of marijuana is pushed into the background due to misinformation that has been doing its mischief for x-years. Instead of dealing with the positive aspects of cannabis high, a one-sided and extreme discussion of all the risks of the plant took place and still takes place today. Most of the risks were either greatly exaggerated or even invented, as we now know from modern research.
In many places, we are often not even aware of when and how often we actually use and rely on our imagination in everyday life.

Marijuana expands the imagination, it does not create its own images in the way LSD does. Numerous scientists and artists have described how cannabis has helped them find new ideas and solutions. Marijuana does not make everyone a great artist or scientist, but it does help users enhance their senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing) and better visualise objects and situations as many have reported.

Creativity is not something you can achieve with a push button and marijuana is not that push button. Creativity arises from an interaction of highly complex cognitive skills. The psychoactive effects of cannabis affect the various cognitive processes and are thus part of creative processes.

The imagination-stimulating effect depends on the cannabis strain. Some strains, especially some sativas and some hybrids, are known to trigger real creativity boosts. Furthermore, any cannabis effect always depends on one's own individual mental state.

What cannabis users do best during a high, or what doesn't work so well anymore, such as writing longer texts (I don't have that problem, by the way 😀 ), can vary greatly from user to user.

Much reported experiences during a high:

  • Strongly focused attention
  • Sensations are perceived more intensely and with more detail
  • The ability to associate is expanded
  • Tastes are experienced in a more complex way
  • Improved pattern recognition
  • spontaneous ideas
  • intensified perception of the here-and-now
  • Time seems to pass more slowly

the high of marijuana

The strong concentration on the present immediate moment can lead to an intense sense of wonder and awe. Colours, shapes and objects are perceived from a different perspective and viewed more according to their essence. It sometimes allows us to see connections between objects, concepts and processes that we were not aware of before.

Expanding the capacity for empathy

Cannabis users often experience an expansion of their empathic abilities while high. Many users describe finding it easier to empathise with others and see the world through different eyes.

It is important to know how and which variety to use for yourself and creativity. And to learn how to use the high for oneself. It should always be kept in mind how far-reaching and also not yet comprehensively clarified the concept of creativity is in the most diverse areas.
Different strains and cannabinoid profiles probably promote different forms of creativity processes.

Well, I'll stop texting then, until the days

Your Juan 😉


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