Blog, Cannabis as medicine

Social anxiety disorder and treatment with CBD

Social anxiety and cannabis, medical marijuana, medicinal cannabis

Cannabis and anxiety have an interesting relationship. While high concentrations of THC can trigger paranoia and anxiety attacks, it is now well documented that CBD counteracts these effects.

In 2011, a group of Brazilian researchers published an article in the Journal of Psychopharmacology discussing the relationship between CBD and social anxiety disorder (SAD). Their findings lead to the conclusion that CBD may be a way for people with social anxiety disorder to better manage the symptoms of their condition.

11.5% of Europeans suffer from social anxiety disorder during their lifetime. This makes it the most common form of anxiety and also one of the most common psychiatric disorders of all. It is also known as social phobia. According to the definition, social anxiety disorder is characterised by intense fear in one or more social situations. As it progresses, these fears can reach a point where they interfere with one's entire daily life. People with social anxiety disorder experience anxiety that is triggered by others. For some sufferers, the anxiety symptoms only occur in certain situations, while others suffer from them all the time.

Social anxiety and cannabisTo test the influence of cannabidiol (CBD) on anxiety symptoms, Brazilian scientists led by Dr. J.A. Crippa selected 10 people suffering from social anxiety disorder for their study. To analyse the effects of CBD, they checked the blood flow in different parts of the brain using functional neuroimaging. In the first session, half of the participants received an oral dose of 400mg of CBD, while the other half were given placebos. The roles were reversed in the second session so that each participant was treated with cannabidiol at a specific time point.
The results of the study show that CBD significantly reduced the participants' subjective feelings of anxiety. Brain blood flow in the parts of the brain responsible for emotional control also seems to indicate this. Accordingly, Dr Crippa concludes: "The results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in social anxiety disorder and this is related to its effects on the activities of the limbic and paralimbic brain regions."

However, it must be noted that the study was only conducted with 10 participants. It is therefore necessary to conduct further research in this direction and thus also find out the optimal dosage.

Medical cannabis strains used by patients with social stress disorder:

No PanicNo Panic by Cannamed

Due to the medium THC content and the high CBD content, it has a relaxing, exhilarating and anxiety-reducing effect, and in higher doses also a sedative effect. No Panic is therefore the ideal medical cannabis strain for people suffering from anxiety symptoms, panic attacks or post-traumatic stress syndrome. No Panic produces a pleasantly liberating high that is incredibly relaxing, mood-lifting and balancing without making you tired.

  • 13.5% THC, 4.7% CBD, 0.93% CBC


White WidowWhite Widow by Medical Seeds

The balanced ratio of cannabinoids makes it a medicine for the whole day. It has achieved great therapeutic success in the treatment of chronic pain, bullemia, nervous disorders and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

  • 14% THC, 2.3% CBD, 0.4% CBC

CBD QueenCBD Queen (Cannamed)

She has a very high CBD content and about equal amounts of THC, making her a balanced strain for medicinal use during the day. CBD Queen has antispasmodic and analgesic effects. It is also used successfully for anxiety disorders.

  • 9% THC, 11% CBD


J Psychopharmacol. 2011 Jan;25(1):121-30. doi: 10.1177/0269881110379283. Epub 2010 Sep 9: Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report.

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