Blog, Growing

Identify and solve 99% of all grow problems

When growing cannabis, it is simply inevitable that problems will arise at some point. Even the best grower will face a grow problem sooner or later. You shouldn't be upset if something goes wrong, that's part of it. What matters is how you deal with these problems, because it has a significant impact on the later outcome and yields. Good and successful growers are characterised by the fact that they recognise problems early and react accordingly. The real master grower stays calm and gets the problem out of the way with appropriate means.

In most cases you can solve problems easily if you have the appropriate knowledge, whether deficiency symptoms, over- or underfertilisation, unfavourable environmental factors or pests for most problems a solution can be found. The most common causes of problems are human, microbiological or pest related. By following the most important basics and Cultivation parameters and cleanliness in the grow room many difficulties can be avoided.

Our infographic "Solving 99% of all grow problems" helps you to identify and solve most difficulties.

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In our articles "Pest Checklist", homemade pest control, Checklist for deficiency symptoms, watering and irrigation in cannabis cultivation, "Troubleshooting during germination", typical mistakes when growing indoors, Recognising and solving problems when growing, Problems with seedlings and young plants you can find detailed information and even more information on individual problems.