
Free Seeds and current offers in the Seedshop

At 1000Seeds you get free seeds to choose from with every order or a grow gift, depending on your choice. We also have regularly changing seed promotions and seed bank promos. Every month there are percentages on 2 different seed banks. Here are all the offers and free seeds at a glance:

[title_subtitle title="In August 20% off all seeds from Advanced" title_color="#59a533″ title_size="26″ with_separator="no"]
Advanced Percentage Seedbank
[title_subtitle title="In August 20% off all seeds from female Seeds" title_color="#59a533″ title_size="26″ with_separator="no"]
female Seeds Percentages
[title_subtitle title="Free Seeds in August" title_color="#e28809″ title_size="34″ with_separator="no"]
[title_subtitle title="Seedbank promos" title_color="#e28809″ title_size="34″ with_separator="no"]
Dutch Passion Free Seeds
Philosopher Seeds Promo
Pyramid Seeds, Free Seeds
paradise promo
Kannabia promo
Buy Cannabis Seeds

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