Blog, Cannabis as medicine

Diabetes and cannabis

cannabis diabetes, cannabis in medicine

Diabetes (colloquially known as simply sugar) is a widespread disease that affects many people and limits their daily lives. Those affected have to follow a strict diet and often inject themselves with insulin. It has been shown that the consumption of cannabis has a positive effect on the blood sugar level and thus reduces the risk of becoming insulin-resistant and thus suffering from diabetes.

A study published in The Journal of Medicine Studyin which the influence of marijuana on sugar levels, insulin and insulin resistance was studied, shows that regular cannabis users had 16% lower fasting insulin levels than non-users. Cannabis thus lowers blood sugar levels, which also explains the craving for sweets after smoking.

It also showed that marijuana smokers had a lower body mass index (BMI). The lower fat content also has a positive effect on diabetes risk. Several independent studies found that marijuana users consumed more calories but had a lower BMI. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet, but research is ongoing and it will probably not be long before this mystery is solved.
Another study in California also investigated the connection between cannabis and diabetes. The more than 10,000 participants were divided into non-users, former cannabis smokers, occasional users and heavy users. It was found that the risk of developing diabetes was more than half lower among users than among participants who had never used marijuana. Since former users also had a lower risk than non-users, the scientists assume that cannabis use in adolescence and young adulthood could prevent the development of diabetes.

Why the consumption of cannabis has a positive effect on the risk of diabetes is something that scientists can only speculate about at the moment. It is assumed that the anti-inflammatory effect of THC and CBD on the body has a favourable influence on the development of diabetes. Various researches on the effect of cannabinoids in the body are currently underway in the United States and Israel. Scientists hope to find clues as to why cannabis lowers blood sugar levels and improves calorie burning.

Medical disclaimer
The information on this website is for general information purposes only and is not to be equated with medical or legal advice. We do not wish to encourage anyone to consume or use drugs illegally. Please consult your doctor/health care provider before using any products/methods referenced or linked to on this website.

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