Blog, Cannabis as medicine

CBD and its medicinal effects

CBD cannabinoid, the effects of CBD, CBD and its medicinal effects

CBD is one of the main effective components in many medicinal cannabis strains. A high proportion of CBD is found especially in indicas and indicadominant strains. The cannabinoid CBD helps fight inflammation and is effective against nausea and pain. It has also been shown in research to be able to suppress the growth of cancer cells and is effective in treating schizophrenia. It is an amazing and medically versatile cannabinoid: CBD has applications in pain management, but also shows efficacy in treating mood disorders and anxiety, and there is clear evidence of it being a promising anti-cancer agent.

CBD, cannabinoids in cannabis

CBD and pain

The analgesic effects of CBD are further extended and enhanced when combined with THC, i.e. consumed together with THC. The simultaneous presence of CBD and THC causes CBD to prolong the medicinal therapeutic effects of THC by inhibiting the break-down process in the liver. Consequently, when this break-down of THC is inhibited, its medicinal effects last longer. Both cannabinoids thus work synergistically. CBD works against pain predominantly in the peripheral nervous system, it does not work on the central nervous system like typical painkillers, but works on the neurosynapse. CBD has been found to be particularly effective for chronic pain associated with muscle spasms and tension.

CBD in compensating for alcohol-related brain damage

According to a recent study from the University of Kentucky, cannabidiol (CBD) can help to reverse physiological changes in the brain. The study found that in 48.8% of the people studied, administration of CBD led to a reduction in neurodegeneration (damage) in the cortex. Many cannabis users have previously noted that the use of marijuana can incredibly ease the effects of a hangover. With this study, it is clear that the use of cannabinoids in medicine and their potential needs to be seen on a whole new level.

CBD as an effective treatment option for severe social anxiety

The extent to which marijuana is helpful in treating anxiety depends greatly on the strain. The CBD content seems to be a crucial variable. In a study that looked at the effects of CBD on social anxiety, it was shown that people who were pretreated with CBD had significantly less anxiety and discomfort when giving a speech. The authors of this study emphasise the advantages CBD has over standard anxiety treatments such as the use of anti-depressants. CBD has a fast onset period and at the same time no side effects. Moreover, it does not lead to withdrawal symptoms like numerous other drugs in anxiety therapy.

CBD switches off the cancer gene

Scientists at the Californic Pacific Medical Center have found that CBD turns off a gene in cancer cells that is responsible for metastasising cancer cells. This finding leads to the obvious conclusion that marijuana is probably the best thing cancer patients can do. On the one hand, CBD helps to prevent and fight cancer, and on the other hand, it helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease (such as pain, loss of appetite, nausea).

Cannabidiol and neurogenesis

A study published in the International Journal of Pharmacology indicates that CBD is responsible for neurogenesis in the brain (formation of neurons). This formation of new neurons occurs mainly in the hippocampus, the part of the brain where information from different sensory systems converges and which is responsible for conscious memory and control. Originally, it was assumed that neurogenesis was impossible in adulthood. However, recent studies have shown that it is also possible in adults, albeit to a lesser extent and at a slower rate. So far, there is still little knowledge about the significance of neurogenesis in adulthood. In recent years, more and more research has been done on this, especially in connection with CBD.

It is now believed that the production of new neurons in adults correlates with the occurrence of depression. While relaxation activities such as sports increase the rate of neuron production, production decreases under the influence of stress. CBD can help create new neurons and relieve stress. So research on neurogenesis suggests that it can be helpful in regulating stress. A group of researchers from Brazil and Spain recently found that there is a link between neurogenesis and the anxiety-reducing effects of CBD. They also discovered that CBD spurs the formation of neurons and reduces the effects of chronic stress.

CBD and Alzheimer's disease/neurodegenerative disorders

There is strong evidence that cannabis is beneficial in the treatment of neurodgenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. A group of Australian scientists led by Dr Tim Karl publishes in a new issue of the journal Phsychopharmacology the links between CBD and the reduction of some of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease places a heavy burden on those affected and those around them. There is still insufficient knowledge about the disease and its successful treatment. Research suggests that it is caused by a type of plaque in the brain, inflammation and oxidation, among other factors. The most striking main symptom is a decline in cognitive ability and the inability to recognise familiar people. The Australian research team found that CBD treatment appears to have a significant impact on reducing these symptoms.

CBD as a versatile cannabinoid in medicine

A review of the literature from 2009 shows that CBD has anxiety-relieving, neuroprotective, blood pressure-lowering, antispasmodic, anti-bacterial, cancer cell-fighting and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates bone growth and strengthens and increases the efficiency of the midrochondria, the engine responsible for keeping cells functioning. Special medicinal cannabis strains have now been bred that contain particularly high levels of CBD:

Other uses of CBD:

  • CBD may also help reduce the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia
  • CBD helps to significantly reduce the stress on the heart during chemotherapy.
  • CBD can help fight various aggressive cancers
  • Cannabis extracts with high levels of CBD are an effective form of treatment for gastrointestinal disorders.

Note: There are now numerous suppliers of CBD oils on the internet. Unfortunately, it is not known at all whether and how much CBD is contained in individual preparations. It is not easy and requires some effort to isolate CBD alone. Therefore, oils are often diluted to such an extent that the THC level is not too high and the product is marketable. As a result, there is only a tiny amount of CBD in the whole (if any) and the effectiveness of these oils is highly questionable compared to the whole original.

Furthermore, it makes less sense to consume CBD in isolation for medicinal purposes. It has been shown that whole cannabis with all its cannabinoids and their synergistic effects is more effective than individual cannabinoids. Especially CBD and THC enhance each other's medicinal effects. For patients who want to benefit from the medicinal efficacy of CBD, home cultivation is therefore the safest way to obtain truly CBD-rich strains and concentrates and to control their quality. In countries where medical home cultivation is legalised, it is therefore possible to cultivate CBD-rich strains at home. Indica strains naturally have a higher proportion of CBD. Those who prefer to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC or do not want them during the day can reach for strains that have a very high CBD value and at the same time a low THC value (mostly 1:1 ratio). These strains then have no physical effects, do not make you tired, stoned or horny. You stay alert and active and can still enjoy the medicinal aspects.

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