The cannabis plant goes through 2 phases during its life: the growing phase and the flowering phase. After the cannabis plantlet has seen the light of day, it should first be placed under fluorescent tubes and illuminated for 18 hours per day until it has grown sufficiently strong and large to be placed under the sodium vapour lamp. It takes about 2 weeks for the plant to root through the small plant pot and for roots to emerge from the bottom of the planter. The young cannabis plant can now be repotted into a larger pot and placed under the sodium vapour lamp (min. 250W) (light duration: 18 hours/day).

Therepotting sequence can look like this, for example: Jiffy or rock wool -> then into 1L pot -> then into 3L pot -> then 5L(... 10L) pot.

The plant should be repot as soon as roots emerge from the bottom of the pot. The plant will then detach itself relatively easily from the pot together with the root ball.

After one week at the earliest, you can start to accustom the plants to nutrients. The right time for this can be recognised by the yellowing of the cotyledons. At the beginning, use root stimulators and growth fertilisers in cautious doses. It is better to stay a little below the manufacturer's instructions. There are many different systems and suppliers for fertilising. Read more at: Watering & Fertilising.

At the latest one week after the seeds have peeped out of the soil for the first time, the first cannabis-like pair of leaves has usually formed and the base for the next one can already be seen. The plants can now be supplied with nutrients according to the normal fertilisation schedule of many manufacturers of special fertilisers. Sufficient nutrition with a cannabis growth fertiliser is a basic prerequisite for a good development of the plant with bushy growth and for a corresponding yield.

Vegitation phase Cannabis  Growth Cannabis

                                                     Cannabis plants after 13 days of growth

see also Flowering phase

  Cannabis vegetative phase

Pre-flowering for cannabis

The plants reach sexual maturity with the so-called pre-bloom. From this point on, if the plants meet your personal height and size requirements, you can initiate the flowering phase. However, the plant can also be allowed to grow further and initially become larger. At the pre-blooming stage, the first flower and blossom buds can be seen with hairs on the stem of the plant. These show the sex of the plant (namely female). By the way, autoflowering seeds do this on their own. The pre-bloom is not yet the actual flower, but a kind of preliminary stage.

During the growth phase, the plant clearly increases in size and weight. Depending on the variety, it becomes more or less bushy and develops side shoots and many leaves. Throughout this time, the plants and their leaves should be checked again and again for pests, anything unusual, changes in colour and leaves, and possible diseases, so that countermeasures can be taken in good time. Only enter the grow room with clean shoes, always keep it free of dirt overall and clean it regularly to prevent the spread of germs, pests and fungi in the grow room. The growing phase lasts on average about 6 weeks, then the plants are usually of medium size. If you want even bigger plants, you have to wait longer.

Cannabis plant growth phase

Day 17 Growth phase

The goal for many growers is, of course, to grow large and healthy girls during the shortest possible growth or vegatation phase. Their size and growth characteristics are decisive for the yield that comes out later. In order to get lush and strong plants, all factors such as climate, light, soil conditions, fertilising etc. must be right. You can read more about this in our Grow encyclopedia read more. At 1000Seeds Growshop you will find the necessary equipment for your grow room, the suitable fertilizers and systems for cannabis plants and everything else that is needed for a healthy growth of your plants and the best results.

In the 1000Seeds Growshop you will find everything you need for the growing phase of cannabis plants:

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