Detect leaf miner fly: from the eggs of the leaf miner fly emerge green or black maggots of about 3mm in length and in most cases you only become aware of the damage.

Damage: Maggots leave feeding tunnels in the leaves. Usually they also attack the fresh shoots first. Like most pests, they inhibit the growth of the plant. If the pests can freely grant, the flowering will last longer and also the buds will turn out smaller. It is rare that the infested plant dies as a result, but this damage leaves it still susceptible to disease.

Control leaf miner fly: the small maggots can be removed and/or crushed with a bare finger. In case of heavy infestation, leaves should be removed and Yellow traps be put up, with which the adult little animals are caught. Sprays: Neem oil and pyrethrum



Recognize cicadas: Cicadas are 3-4mm long insects that are usually green, white or yellowish in color. Many species have tiny wings and stripes on their bodies. They can jump far and well and run together at the end of their body in a pointy shape. Cicadas and their l larvae suck on the leaves and excrete a sticky substance.

Damage: the damage caused is comparable to that of spider mites and thrips. the leaves are weakened, in case of heavy infestation even the entire plant. It may even die.


Control cicadas: Cleanliness in the growromm is also important here. Black light traps are well suited. Also the plant can be sprayed with a Neem oil-solution can be sprayed.

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