Indica and Sativa belong to the same family. The Indica and Sativa varieties differ in growth characteristics, quality, yield and effects.

Characteristics of Indica varieties:


Afghanica by Flying Dutchman (Indica variety)
  • most Indica varieties come from South Asia and the Indian subcontinent (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tibet, Nepal, etc.).
  • Indica varieties are compact and dense and have heavy and aromatic buds. The flowers usually grow in clusters, with different internodes (spaces) between the clusters.
  • Indicas are the faster flowering cannabis strains that usually have a flowering time of 6 to 9 weeks.
  • its growth is rather stocky and short compared to sativa
  • the Indica produces very resinous buds                                     
  • with the start of flowering, the Indica grows grows very slowly in height. It will usually only grow 50-100% of its height towards the end of the flowering phase.
  • The effect of an indica is more body-oriented. The sensory perception of indicas can increase in taste, touch and sound. The effect is relaxed, both physically and mentally. They can also make you tired and heavy (at the right dosage).
  • Indica are good for growing in a growbox or growroom, i.e. indoors, as they don't grow as tall as sativas and mature faster.

Characteristics of Sativa varieties are:

Santa Sativa by Dinafem (Sativa variety)

  • The lineage of Sativa varieties are mainly in equatorial areas - Thailand, Cambodia, Jamaica, Mexico, etc.
  • Sativa varieties grow taller than indicas under the same conditions. Outdoors, they can grow into real trees (up to 4m high) and form thick trunks.
  • Sativa flowers usually grow longer than Indica buds. They grow along the branches and not in clusters around the internodes as with Indicas.
  • When they will dry, the Sativa buds have a lower weight than the Indica ones, as they do not grow as dense.
  • The flowering period is longer than with indicas. Sativas usually take between 9 and 12 weeks to mature.
  • During flowering, the sativa gains 200-300% in height. Indoor growers should not let sativas grow too much before initiating the flowering phase. 
  • The "high" effect of sativas is well known. The effect of Sativa strains are cerebral, energetic, creative, laughing and even psychedelic.
  • Sativas are particularly suitable for outdooruse due to their height and size.

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